Event Request - Facility Reservation

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Temple Baptist Church Event Request - Facility Reservation

This form is used to reserve room(s) and spaces for special events and ministries of the church. This includes but is not limited to socials, birthdays, weddings, funerals, outreach events, meetings, bible studies, etc. This also includes borrowing items from the church such as equipment, tables and chairs for personal use.

In order to use our limited space most efficiently, all rooms and resources should be scheduled AT LEAST TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Events must have a beginning time and ending time. Please complete this form to gain approval from church administration. After it is approved, you will be contacted and your event will be added to the calendar.

NOTICE: Completion of this form does not guarantee approval to use church facilities. You will be contacted if your request has been approved. For expedited requests, please contact the church office at 229-890-1156 after completing this form. Thank you!
Event Details

Please List the Following Event Times. This is needed to make sure the facility is unlocked with heating/cooling scheduled.

Please list all areas that will be occupied at some point during this event. If you are using specific classrooms, please list those as well.
Please select all that apply.

Please indicate your set-up plans (number of tables/chairs needed, and their arrangements, etc.) in the area provided below. You are be responsible for your own set-up and for restoring the room(s) to their original order.

**If this is an off-site request and you desire to borrow items from the church, please indicate below.
Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.
Person Requesting



Please fill out this form and click submit.